Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Casitas con Tejas - Robert C. Murray II

Casitas con Tejas - Robert C. Murray II: While on a boat moving along a Norwegian Fjord, I saw a small white house with an orange tile roof up on a cliff. I thought it was a fascinating place to live and the view was probably spectacular looking out on the wide fjord. I had to paint this scene. Oil on archival acid-free 140 lb watercolor paper. 

Robert C. Murray II

Robert C. Murray II

Robert C. Murray II was born in 1967 in Hollywood, California, becoming a citizen of the world, projecting his creative spirit in such a way that his works have been able to obtain a multitude of individual and collective exhibitions, obtaining numerous prizes, (Mejor Acuarela XIV Concurso de Pintura Rápida 2009, Gran Canaria-Spain, Tlacuilo 2013-Museo / Sala Nacional de la Acuarela, Coyoacan México, and Premiado: "Casino de Viña del Mar 2014", in the IX Bienal International de la Acuarela Viña del Mar, Chile), and individual Exposición de Pintura 25th Anneversary Torneo de Golf Copa del Rey Club Campestre Ciudad de México 2015, and recent awards at the Holly Cross Abby winery in Colorado, that have been recognizing and strengthening his worth as a painter. We are, therefore, before an untiring worker, whose life turns around the fascinating world of pictorical creation, considering the perfection of nature in his art to create some paintings of indescribable beauty, using and arranging in each of his works all the colors of the rainbow. He is an extreme lover of detail as far as the improvement of the image goes .It is impossible to talk about his work without emphasizing the deep relation that maintains with the Earth and the spirit, the light being his better source of inspiration. But it is perhaps in his routes by the vision of the interminable places that he has seen, which has allowed a deep communication between the Artist and his surroundings, In order for the Artist to be the best one he can be, he is not enough by having talent. If the Artist does not paint character, his works, no matter how much they become, will always be mediocre because honesty is the first condition of the aesthetic one, and in this, our Protagonist has surpassed himself. He is meticulous in the reading of the light and he does a study by himself. He is an Artist who is able to treat the perspective where obvious and paints the forms in such a way that he is able to maintain the verticality of his figures. Fundamentally, works of Robert C. Murray II make a study of the light to reflect the different moments from each expression, becoming an authentic creator of the luminant variations; he modulates it at will, turns it primaveral or light of autumn, in light at the zenith moment of the morning or light of the evening, but always in a subtle light that bathes the fields, the objects and waters with a delicate caress. Nothing is strident, but all of his works inspire peace and silence; a realism that has something evocative, of dreamed landscape, and sentimental memory. Robert C. Murray II has a talent that cultivates with his honesty and practices with his polished technique, in that he approaches and transmits the subjects that get passionate to him; unique and inherent qualities of the great teachers, as to whom we foretell great successes in his race as an Artist...

For more information about the artista, his career, Outlook on the future, or any other information, please be sure to contact the artista via email at or if you would like to see/share my videos of paintings in process, the link is at youtube at:

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