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Monday, November 18, 2024

Emerging Space Omni Behemoth Ship



Angles in space still the fast way of getting from point to point I relating this to space flight designs resistance and drag for greater speed with a piercing design engines to compensate curved space, I liked the shuttle fleet designs and the program missions, also the SR-71 bb air force craft I want to see a design for a space cruiser that's large and assembled in space with all the new advances today in propulsion and design in this industry I believe this will eventually take place in the not too distant future to further advance space exploration and resolve theories of the universe , so with this angle art somewhere in there could be a design and I'm sure that there are many designs on the drawing board ,I'm waiting for this to be a Reality, great about the international space station existing and purposes but I think of space travel to be more adventurous a flight system for the solar system the galaxy reaching these points with type SR-71 with space energy menacing design. v

About the Artist
VDM MIKIC V Photography
Photography data image, great for all the subjects it's an art and great invention for recording topics PROFILE PHOTO it appeals to me very much and have been taking photographs for some time photographic Topics are great that are of interest making them interesting can be a challenge, here we go soon the blooms will be upon us for the new season and I'm sure to be there, photographing flowers and what I find interesting ,a bit about me at one time I have been a landscaper and worked in a tropical greenhouse , self-taught in cuttlefish hand castings forming metal objects using mostly silver it is an ancient method getting the information from a yup that's right a book claiming process came from Egypt's region but then uncertain how they came upon the technique, finding it a great art to practice cuttlefish casting is portable and the equipment can be packed in a case for easy transport to locations acquiring also plastic and fine arts training knowledge ,gaining electroplating metals experience for manufacture this was a valuable knowledge to acquire one of my best memories in this field was restoring a set sword and dagger were centuries' old using the skills and equipment with precious metals to plate them they were for display of an organization ,Torch man in the casting room centrifuge shop at times was a treat with the molten metals the rush of gas fuel consuming to create it's great participating in other arts such as painting sketching in the community, also liking grid board game making particularly dice games ,for some electronics playing the electric guitar on occasion is great fun to have acoustic Ing it to, most of the music out there today is pretty good, enjoying pool at times great sport of skill, interesting things showing here in this profile photo is kickback palace with a new piece centered with a kings crown also queens beneath in the game you need to obtain the kings crown to uncover the queens crown to end the game applying strategy with each dice roll there are also four guards men on the board that must be eliminated as well as getting five other pieces per player in the center with other rules to reach the queen, it is a points game with statistics when played with different rules, crown, also playing this board game it is possible to obtain all the 7 pieces and center five playing pieces to end the game totaling 12, in a sense it's like getting a royal flush or a checkmate the dice rolls combinations must be played right, will have some other works on the bench to view later ,on to this subject old books are getting rarer now I treasure them as they are still informative great to read and collect having a small collection myself , for making many dice games being on a roll to make them has been interesting putting them together having further plans for some of them lately I have been making new ways to play kickback board game rules fast and fun will display at another time, getting back to metal arts I'm looking forward to metal casting this year doing some planning for the occasions casting a few times a year only due to the facts of the color producing cuttlefish species and their amazing beauty ,thank you for viewing the profile and hoping you like the butterfly photographs it was terrific chasing them around I will throw pics for you to view soon, as for the photographs there will be many varieties to see from the Ottawa Ontario Canada region, if you're looking for proper names here for the blooms to be titled then find them if you really need to know, I thank the experts and fields relating to the world of plants for their dedicated work in identifying the blooms, there are plenty of sites that provide proper titles for the flowers, do so enjoy natures wonders take a few moments and have a view. something to reflect upon.
Keep looking for new photography brought to you by Vdm Photography for Flowering Thoughts of Beauty to impact you with it all joy etc. vdm

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